What is Deep Tissue Therapy?

Deep Tissue Therapy using the Graston Technique is a form of manual therapy that is commonly used by healthcare professionals, such as chiropractors, physical therapists, and athletic trainers, to address soft tissue injuries, muscle imbalances, and fascial restrictions. The Graston Technique involves the use of specialized instruments to perform soft tissue mobilization and facilitate the healing process. It is often used to treat conditions such as muscle strains, ligament sprains, scar tissue adhesions, and chronic musculoskeletal pain.

Here's how the Graston Technique works:

  • Instruments: The Graston Technique uses specially designed stainless steel instruments with unique shapes and edges. These instruments are used by trained practitioners to detect and treat soft tissue abnormalities.
  • Assessment: Before applying the technique, the practitioner assesses the patient's soft tissue structures to identify areas of dysfunction, tightness, or adhesions.
  • Treatment: The practitioner applies the Graston instruments to the skin's surface in the affected area, following a specific protocol. They use the instruments to glide over the skin while applying controlled pressure. This motion helps break up and release scar tissue, fascial restrictions, and muscle adhesions.
  • Friction and Vibration: The instruments create friction and a vibrating sensation as they contact the affected tissues. This friction and vibration help to break down adhesions and stimulate blood flow to the area, promoting the body's natural healing processes.
  • Follow-up Care: After a Graston Technique session, patients often receive recommendations for stretching, strengthening exercises, and other forms of rehabilitation to complement the soft tissue treatment and improve overall recovery.

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